Celebrating South Asian Heritage Month

8th August 2023

By raising awareness of our different backgrounds, we can move forwards

We continue to recognise South Asian Heritage Month (18th July - 17th August) here at Civica. We spoke to Jasbir Dhesi, Head of Software Delivery Services, Central Government, to see how his heritage influences his values, work ethic, and our communities.

Why is South Asian Heritage Month important to you?

I believe that your background is important as you need to know where you're from to better understand where you're going. My heritage is part of my DNA, and highlighting South Asian Heritage Month gives me an opportunity to reflect on how far I've come from my early childhood, how my heritage has influenced and shaped my journey, and how much progress has been made in British society.

How do you think your heritage has impacted your current position?

My heritage has taught me to be brave, honest, and work hard. Those values are what drive my core career goals and have brought me to where I am today.

Who’s inspired you in your career and/or outside of work?

People in my senior leadership team help and inspire me to do more. Their honesty and trust in me propels me to go above and beyond and strive for excellence. Outside of work, my family are my inspiration. I dedicate my work ethos to my parents for instilling in me to persevere every day, as they did, and my wife and kids support me daily.

What do you think is an important part of South Asian history that impacts the world today?

If you look at modern-day Britain, you’ll see an array of different backgrounds and cultures that create diverse communities of people from all different areas of the world. South Asia has been an important part of building what we see the UK as now, its influences shaping the modern world as early as the 1600s. I’m proud to see South Asians in every role and industry today, from doctors and scientists, to lawyers, bus drivers, CEOs and more; South Asian culture and history is very much a part of today’s communities.

Any final thoughts?

We live in a society of multi-cultural backgrounds, races, and religions, and it’s by supporting each other and raising awareness about our different backgrounds that we can continue to move forward. No matter who you are, I always say try to be humble, be brave, and know that we’re all ‘One Community’.